Hi Ladies,I\'d like to join in with my slow growing beta's since I was lurking for a few days to try and gain perspective. I'm 42 with high FSH and had 6 nice looking embryo's transferred on 8/26. Against great odds (according to RE's anyway) I got a BFP on an HPT at 14DPO. Here are my betas:16dpo 31518dpo 56323dpo 1517Going for another beta on thursday, at 5w4d and first ultrasound and hoping to see something reassuring since the anxiety just about killed me today. Shedding a few tears helps. GL to everyone.
I read a lot about vanishing twins and my ob even suggested it as a possibility for me. Perhaps for you too? Best of luck while you wait. It is torture. You have a beta on Thursday and I have and u/s. Let's keep our fingers crossed.