lalegul on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Thanks a lot.Do you think I should try and do another tomorrow, so I am prepared (if there is a big drop in numbers) before my next u/s on thurdsay or should I just wait for u/s? thanks again so...
View Articlebolajing on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
lauren i had betas with a 110 and 112 doubling time with a FET and I am almost 17 weeks with a baby betas were:14dpo 23216dpo 39919dpo 100821dpo 184823dpo 2398 see and the next was 112...
View Articletezcanli on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Thank you so much!! I can't believe how wonderfully nice everyone one is on these boards. It helped so much when I was doing IVF too.My dr. called and said I should do beta test this am and they just...
View Articledanarassas on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Hi - these are my betas which had me worried sick and my RE was concerned about as well. I now have 1 year old twins from this cycle.12dp3dt = 12114dp3dt = 22116dp3dt = 40718dp3dt = 84920dp3dt =...
View Articlebolajing on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
lauren congrats on the great beta... oh well i was diagnosed with placenta previa at 14 weeks and was cause of my spotting in first trimester. then they found planceta vasa where a blood vessel comes...
View Articletezcanli on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
lauren congrats on the great beta... oh well i was diagnosed with placenta previa at 14 weeks and was cause of my spotting in first trimester. then they found planceta vasa where a blood vessel comes...
View Articlemyarilan on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Hi Ladies,I\'d like to join in with my slow growing beta's since I was lurking for a few days to try and gain perspective. I'm 42 with high FSH and had 6 nice looking embryo's transferred on 8/26....
View Articletezcanli on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Hi Ladies,I\'d like to join in with my slow growing beta's since I was lurking for a few days to try and gain perspective. I'm 42 with high FSH and had 6 nice looking embryo's transferred on 8/26....
View ArticleGiannopoulou on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
I had my u/s moved up from 7 to 6 weeks because my beta was rising slower than the doctor wanted. The u/s was yesterday and everything was fine. My dr. said when you start off with a strong beta, but...
View Articlemyarilan on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
tezcanli - hope your ultrasound looks good on thursday. I'm also having one that day and hope the theory of a vanishing twin explains my betas.Giannopoulou - congrats on your ultrasound. You must feel...
View Articletezcanli on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
tezcanli - hope your ultrasound looks good on thursday. I'm also having one that day and hope the theory of a vanishing twin explains my betas.Giannopoulou - congrats on your ultrasound. You must feel...
View Articlebolajing on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
lauren good luck!!!!!!! your numbers still sound great! 13,000 i bet you'll see a strong heartbeat. oh and mine at 6 weeks was only 111bmp and all is fine now i fluctuate between 140- 153bpm.
View Articlemyarilan on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Lauren - how did your ultrasound go?I was also a part of series 82 at Cornell. My beta rose to 2591 yesterday and there was a fetal sac with a yoke so now I just need to wait til next thursday to...
View ArticleGiannopoulou on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Lauren- Yes. I was part of series 82. How was your ultrasound? I've been routing for you.myarilan- fingers crossed for you next week. I hope you see a healthy hb.
View Articlemyarilan on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Thanks Giannopoulou. I'm anxious but trying not to stress since it won't help anyway. Lauren - any news?
View Articlefati on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
lauren- re the h/b, one of my twins was only 114 at about 7 weeks pg. It's never been a problem even though I stressed about it in the beginning. Both my RE at Cornell and my perinatologist at Cornell...
View Articlemyarilan on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Hi everyone.Well, I'm out. My slow beta's lead to no heartbeat developing. Will talk to my RE tomorrow to decide on what to do next. Will probably do a D&C, hopefully monday.Hope others with slow...
View Articletezcanli on "Looking for realistic perspective on slowing betas"
Hi everyone,myarilan--I have been there many times. It's so tough. I am really sorry.I have had several u/s since my last post. The latest is that I lost one twin but have one baby growing well. I have...
View Articlemdoula on "Is it possible?"
Hi,I cant believe i am finally entering this part of the website. I have been struggling with IF for 8 years now. We tried several IUIs and one IVF. All failed. We both had our issues. Recently, I...
View Articlecristin26 on "Is it possible?"
HiI hope this helps---I was almost 42 when I got pregnant---my pregancy symptoms always were there and then days I didn't feel pregnant at all.I was so afraid I would miscarriage or something was wrong...
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